Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Scarf Choices and Blunders

So yesterday I got asked a very legitimate question about how to succeed with the "Draping" scarf look. It is a look that is one of my favorites, but can be a bit challenging if not executed the right way. A good trick to use is to stick with a full color scheme when it comes to your outfit. Whether it be mostly black, brown, blue, etc., pick out a neutral color that will add a flair. Here are a few color ideas:

Dark Blue Jeans, white undershirt, Black cardigan or fitted zip-up (no hoodie), lack dress shoes and a deep red scarf.

Black Slacks, Brown v-neck, Dark brown cardigan, Brown dress shoes or dress tenies and a beige scarf.

Mostly Blue outfit with a maroon scarf

Just a few ideas when it comes to color schemes. Now, when it comes to how to drape your scarf to make it look chic, but not ridicules, I would use a sheer black/brown/red scarf sold at H&M.
  • Wrap it once around the neck loosely, making sure the ends are even with each other (Example 1). Not tucked in.
  • Draping the scarf without wrapping and letting it flow freely or you may want to tuck it in as well.
  • Wrap the scarf once around the neck loosely then situate the tails one infront of your chest and the other across the back. this is a wondeful winter wonderland look that always is a treat (Example 2).
  • One of my favorites, using example 1, then bringing one end up and through ( like the third step in tieing a tie) is great as well. This is used mostly with longer scarfs.

The trick is to own your outfit! Here are a few photo ideas on how to wear your scarfs this Autumn:

Example 1

Example 2

Here we see the european style. halving the scarf, wrapping it around and pulling the double ends through...this option is the warmest and most functional.

I hope this was of some help. If you haven't read my newest blog Daniel On The Day, Please do so, it is right below!

Thank you for the question and thank you for reading my friend : )


Marcus Lovingood

Writer/Chief Editor

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