Sunday, October 10, 2010


What a Weak Summer! I spent most of it in Los Angeles this year, and I do believe I was lucky. Now that we are past that nonsense and are emerging into the best time a year for fashion, I can't wait to bring you a crash course that will do these 5 things for you:

1. Make Women want to sleep with you
2. Make other guys want to be you
3. Get you laid
4. Get you a promotion
5. Help you change the world.

Let's face it. I wish I could really do all
f these things for you, but I truly be
lieve that if yo
u take these Autumn Style tips, you will be well on your way to conquering the world.

Let's take a good look at TOM FORD thi
s fall. As we all have seen the latest trend in being cool in this crumbling economy is the skinny suit. Now, I need you to know this, because it is very important. If you walk into any room and your suit is not tailored, everyone in that room will be secretly laughing at you in their heads. I most certainly would be as well. If you have the time to tailor your suit, you have enough time to take anythin
g you put your mind to seriously. It is the most recent tren
d to be in a skinny suit and this can be bought for under $250.00 at both of my favorite places to shop in New York and the West Coast. H&M and the all powerful Zara Man. Now, I am also accustom to Tom Man in New York. Sorry all of you West Coast readers, there is only one store in the entire county on Broadway and Broome Street, NYC. I would highly recommend you visit this store if in NYC and blow your har
d earned money on some excellent clothing.

The truth of the matter of Top Man, is that it is overly expensive for the right reasons. Honestly, you can get anything there at an H&M or Zara.

Take a look at these $250.00 Suits at H&M:

If you don't have $250.00 to spend, then it is still very simple to nail the skinny suit.